VIOlight Zapi Doodle Toothbrush UV Sanitizer Product Review

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Violight Zapi Doodle Toothbrush Sanitizer Review

7 A.M. – “MOM…..Can I brush my teeth???”
8:15 A.M.- “MOMMMM…..Can I brush my teeth?”

This has been my 3 year old son’s response to his Zapi Doodle!

My husband even sneaks my son’s Zapi Doodle out of his bathroom so that he can sanitize our toothbrushes at night! I laughed hysterically the first night, but after I started reading about the millions of bacteria on our toothbrushes…..I wasn’t laughing so hard anymore.

What in the world is a Zapi Doodle???
A Zapi Doodle is a toothbrush sanitizer made by Violight that kills up to 99.99% of germs including E. Coli, Staphylococcus, some influenza, hepatitis, salmonella, strep, yeast, and molds! (Just to name a few.) Did you know that your toothbrush houses thousands and millions of colonies of bacteria? ICK! There’s any easy fix to keep your toothbrush sanitized – push a little button on the front of your Zapi Doodle, and a UV light zaps the germs off your toothbrush leaving it clean and sanitized! It takes about 7 minutes for the process to complete and automatically shuts off when it’s done. There is even a removable drip tray for easy cleaning. It even comes with a brand new toothbrush! (Although it does hold both electric and manual toothbrushes of most all sizes.)

Why my 3 year old wants to use a toothbrush sanitizer:
Zapi-Doodle lets kids get creative with fun removable stickers. You can place them anywhere! The blue Zapi Doodle includes decals for friendly pirates, cute monsters, a teddy bear, and even a robot! (The pink one has princess, kitty, & bear stickers.) My son has gone absolutely crazy over his pirate Zapi Doodle. We told him when we received his Zapi Doodle that he could only use it after he brushes his teeth. He now brushes his teeth at least 5 times a day. I actually have to tell him “No- you can’t brush your teeth AGAIN- you just want to use your Zapi Doodle!” I am honestly amazed at how much my son LOVES his toothbrush sanitizer!

I HIGHLY recommend the Zapi Doodle. Did I say HIGHLY?? This is an incredible way to kill the germs on your children’s toothbrush, and not only that, but it encourages them to brush their teeth so that they can use their fun Zapi Doodle! Your kids will stay healthier and have less exposure to harmful germs after keeping their toothbrush sanitized. But it’s not JUST for kids- Violight makes all sorts of other toothbrush sanitizers- including travel size ones too! They even have cell phone sanitizers, as well as sanitizers for dentures & sports mouthguards!


Dirty Dental Facts:
·  Researchers have found more than 10,000,000 bacteria living on a single toothbrush.
·  Tooth decay is caused by bacteria that can survive on toothbrushes.
·  Viruses that cause colds, flu, and fever blisters can survive for many days on toothbrushes.
·  Droplets produced by flushing toilets can harbor bacteria and viruses that can remain airborne long enough to settle on surfaces. Thus, a person could acquire an infection from an aerosol produced by a toilet.
From now on our whole family will be using the Zapi Doodle!
Violight has graciously offered one of my readers their very own Zapi Doodle! Whether you keep it for yourself, give it to your child, or offer it up as a prize in your classroom- I can guarantee you that the recipient will LOVE their Zapi Doodle -and they’ll be healthier because of it!
Mandatory Entry:
Tell me who would receive this Zapi Doodle and whether you would want blue or pink! Make sure you leave an e-mail address where I can contact you if you’re my winner.

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  1. I guess I would have to give the brush to my son 🙂 (BLUE!)

    … even though I am sure a ZapiDoodle would be lots of fun for myself to try!!!

    nhartmann54(at)gmail(dot)com 😀

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  3. bayctygrl says:

    I would give this to my daughter. So gross to think of all the germs on a toothbrush.
    I would like the blue one.

    hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

  4. bayctygrl says:

    like violight on FB Jennifer Bee
    hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

  5. bayctygrl says:

    follow on google Jennifer
    hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

  6. this would be for my sons to share, so blue would be great!

    email in Google profile

  7. follow violight on twitter @mamasmoney

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  9. blue for my sons–yes what a great idea! thanks for the opp
    kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

  10. twinmomoftwins says:

    My daughter would receive it and I she would like pink.
    ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com

  11. Catherine says:

    I'm sure my students would love to get this as a giveaway, but I would probably have to give it to my son. He would love the blue one.
    e-mail in google profile

  12. I would give it to my son. I would want blue.

  13. toughturtles says:

    for my wife and myself either color would work fine

  14. I'd like a pink one for my granddaughter who is heading off for 3 months to work at an animal sanctuary in January. She'd find it fun and cute as well as healthy and sanitary.

  15. I LIKE Violight on Facebook.

  16. I follow this blog via Google Connect.

  17. It would be for my son, so blue, please. 🙂

    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  18. Following via GFC: JennS

    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  19. Becca Ann says:

    I would give this to my kids.. I would choose blue

  20. Becca Ann says:

    I follow on gfc

  21. Becca Ann says:

    I like them on fb

  22. pink for my daughter

  23. I like violight on facebook.

  24. I would use the zappidoodle for all our tooth brushes. I would get blue.

  25. i follow violight on twitter

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  27. Missybeez says:

    FOLLOW Violight on Twitter@Missybez80

  28. I would keep it at my house because I have my grandkids here nearly everyday. They brush their teeth and take showers (ages 11, 10, 9, and 2 1/2). So i would love to be able to sanitize their tooth brushes.

    clenna at aol dot com

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    clenna at aol dot com

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    clenna at aol dot com

  31. ✿Heαther S✿ says:

    I would give this to my 2 year old son. I would like blue!
    mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

  32. ✿Heαther S✿ says:

    I'm a gfc follower!
    mommys3lilbirds at gmail dot com

  33. Silver Bella says:

    This Zapi Doodle would be for my toddler son. He's got a medical condition which requires us to be as sanitary as possible. So, this would be perfect for us! I would chose the blue one for him. Thanks for the chance!

  34. Silver Bella says:

    I LIKE Violight on Facebook!
    Silver Bella

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  36. Silver Bella says:

    I FOLLOW Violight on Twitter as @silverbella11

  37. This would be for our little one and we'd love one in blue.
    susaaan at gmail dot com

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    susaaan at gmail dot com

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  41. Mandatory
    This would be for my daughter and I would love to get the pink one!


  42. Liked Violight on FB
    Hoa Le


  43. Following @violight on Twitter (@hle123).


  44. GFC Follower


  45. I would want blue for my son!

  46. I would like a pink one for my daughter
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  47. Follow violight on twitter
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

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    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

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    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  50. I'd give this to my niece in pink.


  51. New GFC Follower.


  52. Ann- in blue

  53. I LIKE Violight on Facebook

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  55. I would love a blue one for my 10 year old who is becoming very aware of his appearence.wilcarvic[at]gmail[dot]com

  56. FDP 4 Life says:

    i would like pink for our daughter
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  57. Lori Taube says:

    I would love this for my son, and I would want blue!

    clctaube @

  58. Lori Taube says:

    I follow via GFC

    clctaube @

  59. We would keep this at our house and we would like blue

    trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

  60. this would be great for my daughter, I would pick the blue one. suelee1998 @

  61. I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @

  62. I'd keep it for myself, but my family could use it of course. i'd love a pink one.
    xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

  63. gfc follower
    xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

  64. WWillows6 says:

    I would love to win the blue one for my boys!
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  65. i follow violight via twitter @xbeautifulcoma
    xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

  66. WWillows6 says:

    I like Violight on Facebook user Lisa Garner.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  67. WWillows6 says:

    I'm following violight on Twitter user lisalmg.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  68. WWillows6 says:

    I'm following you on GFC.
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  69. I'd keep it for myself if I win. We'd like the blue color.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    email in blogger profile.
    js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  70. i follow Violight on twitter – js22222222 .
    email in blogger profile.

  71. I follow your blog on google friends connect- Joanne Schultz .
    email in blogger profile.

  72. kathy pease says:

    id love a blue for my son jordan:)


  73. kathy pease says:

    like vio on facebook kathy l pease

  74. kathy pease says:

    google friend klp1965

  75. I would definitely want blue. I have three boys and I think they'd all be using it.
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  76. Violight FB fan (Becky Seelentag)
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  77. Violight Twitter follower (@beckytag)
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  78. brianpiero says:

    Thanks for the giveaway…would love a pink Zapi Doodle for a goddaughter who just started kindergarten & is a serious young "tooth-brusher" !

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  79. brianpiero says:

    LIKE Violight on Facebook: Bryan Eason

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  80. brianpiero says:

    FOLLOW Violight on Twitter: @brianpiero

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  81. brianpiero says:

    GFC Follower: Brian E.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  82. Blue for my son 🙂

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